Rule Out Rules
How doing away with rules can help your community thrive
How doing away with rules can help your community thrive
Why securing a user’s consistent identity helps your company
How would you design an incubator to find the best con artists?
The S you drew on your notebooks in school may one day save you on a deserted island.
If an at-cost market suddenly has to label its prices, the biggest change won’t be on the consumer side.
We weave a confusing yarn when we associate the personality traits of a human with a corporation.
If your college physics class didn’t suck, the wrong people would pass.
Why are soccer moms better at coming up with terrorists plots to worry about than terrorists are at implementing them?
Thanks to the CAN-SPAM act, if you can read the message, the unsubscribe link probably works.
If atheists want to be the default, they’ll have to place themselves beneath believers rather than above them.
Wine snobs’ new style of rationalizations may reveal a childishness normally silenced by a coming of age rite.
An experiment on recognizing musical greatness says more about us as the musician than us as the audience.
Movies used to drop us right into their escapist reality. Why do they now include that transition in the movie itself?
A classic experiment measuring obedience to authority may have little to do with either.
Your motivation to exercise evaporates for the same reason many believe morality has a religious basis.
The more a false story reveals of your own values, the greater your propensity to share it.
What do chronic procrastination and a desire to travel have in common?
Just as stem cell research mocks ensoulment, the vegetative state mocks the soul’s departure.
Backwards compatibility and security can only coexist if permissions are additive.
Living like a king on money taken from millions sight unseen comes at a price.
Just as history is written by the victors, so is your own identity.
What happens if culture, a tool to overcome shared adversity, is used to oppress?
We’re compatible with more people than we’d like to think, but it's better we not realize it.
When a threshold of garbage is passed, all clutter begins to look like garbage.
To report on something in context you must treat its context as constant.
Just as a system can't fully describe itself, our brain can't grasp its own deterministic nature, giving rise to free will.
Misunderstandings arise from men and women having different definitions of "lost."
Decomposing "goodness" into its constituent components. How the overwhelming options of negativity can lead to positive actions.
Challenging the notion of a generational divide in bias. Recognizing our blind spots and the evolving standards of acceptability.
Deciphering our inherent misconceptions. Exploring the psychology behind our predisposition for pseudoscientific beliefs.
A solution to unreadable pixel-measured fonts on the web. Correcting designers’ shortsightedness on the client side.
The possibility of higher levels of sentience. An alternate perspective on human awareness.
Why the sky isn’t saturated with radio signals. A proposed update to the Drake equation.